
Flash Camp Manchester 2010, part 2

Submitted by Falken on

Mike Jones (Adobe Systems)

This was kinda the rest of the Adobe Catalyst demo from the key note. I cant see much else that makes going from a mock up to a real app this easy. Using tools like Balsamiq and Napkee is close, but they can't work on an actual comp from Illustrator or Photoshop.

Installing Adobe AIR on OpenSuSE using official repository

All modern Linux distributions have a concept of keeping themselves up to date with an online system of 'repositories' of applications that anyone can run.
Adobe have handily set one up for their AIR runtime, and provide instructions for RPM based systems that use 'yum' (like Fedora and RedHat) and DEB based systems that use 'apt' (like Ubuntu and Debian).
Although OpenSuSE can use yum, by default it has it's own 'zypper' system, but it can use the RPM repository anyway.


Scotch on the Rocks 2010, Day 1 part 2

Submitted by Falken on

A whistlestop tour of HTML5 and CSS3

Chris Mills (Opera)
I should have bumped into the speaker before now really, as he's from Manchester, but we'd never managed it :-)
Anyway, Chris started with a bit of history, namely that  HTML4 is not dead. It can't do some things like video, which is why Flash got started in the first place. One great quote was 'bullshit will HTML5 kill Flash'.


Towards a better Novell proxy login experience on Linux

Submitted by Falken on

For a long time I've been using the excellent cl4others utility to keep my Linux desktop machine logged into the corporate Novell firewall, so that programs don't get their expected updates (etc.) turned into a HTML password request page.
The offical Novell client packages are still a nightmare to install and configure, and don't actually authenticate me for some reason anyway.


Upgrading OpenSUSE 10.3 to 11.1

Submitted by Falken on

In summary: very smooth, much better than 10.1 to 10.3 because I didn't try to do it on line, but with an upgrade DVD.
Minor problems with the graphics card driver and monitor but they were easy to fix.

Some niggles with things like DNS but again, it was just a case of redoing tweaks from 10.3 that had been undone by the upgrade.


Migrating from VMWare to Sun's Virtual Box

Submitted by Falken on

Today I went to start Windows as guest in my Ubuntu install of VMWare and, boom, VMWare has broken itself during one of the prior kernel updates (because it doesn't use DKMS or release patches quickly enough).
There had recently been a good thread on this on the Manchester Linux User Group's mailing list, so I decided to give migrating to something that more sensibly works a go.


What does AIR application install error "Error# 5100" mean ?

Submitted by Falken on

Sometimes when installing an AIR application, the installer refuses to proceed with the mysterious 'Error# 5100'.
This doesn't appear to be documented anywhere, but it actually means the temporary file space is full (i.e. /tmp/ on Linux).

Guess the 100meg cap on my tmpfs wasn't enough, eh :-)


Remove 'unverified server' pop up in AIR

Submitted by Falken on

The problem:
Every time some AIR applications start, they give a prompt saying ’trying to connect to an unverified server (on port 443). Do you trust this server ?’.
Clicking ’always’ (out of 'always', 'this session' and 'never') doesn't work, and it always asks the next time anyway.
The solution:
Visit in your web browser, and look at the certificate information for the site (on FireFox, click to the left of the address, then press 'more information').
