
Scotch on the Rocks 2010, Day 2 part 1


Scotch on the Rocks 2010, Day 1 part 3

The Art of Emotional Design: A story of pleasure, joy, and delight.

Aral Balkan
Aral was a really engaging User Experience speaker who kicked of by talking about the always-current "Technology X is dead" conversation ; that conversation itself is dead. Cobol isn't dead. Adobe ColdFusion might be gone, but ColdFusion the language is a commodity - Railo proves this.
Skills are more important, as its your time you use :-)


Mylyn Reports

Submitted by Falken on

I'm always saying how good the Mylyn plugin for Eclipse is, in keeping the UI focused on the task at hand.

Because it integrates with your issue tracker, the trackers reports can be used if you want a summary of what you did, or what's still left to do.

But what if you aren't using an issue tracker in Mylyn, just the 'local' repository, thus getting a lot of the benefits without needing to set up anything else ? How do you get the reports then ?


Scotch on the Road Manchester report [sotr09]

Submitted by Falken on

Keynote - Adobe

ColdFusion 8

Many awards - great media coverage too
talks up Gartner review saying that CF use should be expanded, was previously 'contain' and don't use for new projects.
Evans Data Corporation's developer poll - numbers flat in '04 and '05, up tick '06 to over 600k, steady increase till '07, then CF8 comes out in '08 and now over 778k developers. Tripling in 3 years ! ColdFusion is not dead :-)

Adobe launches new fourms with a few niggles

Submitted by Falken on

The new Adobe Forums launched recently, and there are a few gotchas to using them:

You can't start a new thread using email, so you are forced to use their web site.

You can't use the plain text option on the web site, because line breaks are eaten when you post.

You also can't use the rich text editor on their web site if you need to spell checker your posting (and everyone should !).

I am on XKCD

Well, sort of. I suspect a lot of geeks have experiences like this, though we don't normally get photoed in the act.

vs. [G2:1611]


The only person to receive a knighthood for writing sci-fi

Submitted by Falken on

The only person to receive a knighthood for writing science fiction, Arthur C. Clarke, has died aged 90.

Although not surprising, it's still a shock to me that Sri Lanka's most famous resident has shuffled off this mortal coil.

Clarke got me, and many others, into sci-fi. With Rama I think. Maybe 2001.

Insert cunning joke about magic being advanced technology here :-/

I must do something tomorrow that involves a space elevator or a geosynchronous satellite.


Adobe saves the BBC's iPlayer

Submitted by Falken on

The only reasonable way for the BBC to do it's job and offer it's iPlayer catch-up TV service (last 7 days TV on demand) across more than just one brand of Windows was using Flash.

People said that when the thing first came out.

And look... it has come to pass :-)

Projects like Adobe's Media Player and adding H.264 (high quality with low bandwidth use) support in Player are starting to make real sense now...
