Who's rewriting my /etc/nsswitch.conf, eh ?

Submitted by Falken on

First my OpenSuSE machine at work decides to have it, and now I discover the reason why my Kubuntu laptop has been having horrible intermittent DNS resolution problems.
The offending entry in both cases was on the 'hosts:' line and said something like 'mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return]' part away along.
At work, this utterly screwed up any attempt to resolve '.local' DNS names, which just happens to be the recommended way MicroSoft Active Directory is used, so it had to go there.


Bulk loading data in to databases

Submitted by Falken on

There was a thread on CF-Talk about how best to split a large file up into records and then import them into a database - it happened to be MySQL but this note applies to every database I've ever used (including Oracle and MSSQL).
The quick summary is 'don't use ColdFusion for this'. Sometimes all you have is a hammer, and so everything looks like a nail - but there are much much more robust and much much faster ways of doing this.


Building ColdFusion services with ColdSpring and Reactor, part 6

Submitted by Falken on

In the previous part, we saw how you can easily get up and running with the AOP features of ColdSpring in a ColdFusion project. But what practical use can this be put too ?
In this part I will show a simple piece of AroundAdvice that helps with reporting exceptions to clients of services. The next part will present a more complicated example - using BeforeAdvice to enforce security constraints and time-limited tokens.


Scotch on the Rocks, day 3 (live)

Submitted by Falken on
Sean Corfield, Event driven programming in ColdFusion
richer ui interfaces require more interaction (and less structured flow) than simply responding to clicks
decouple where things happen from what happens with them
multiple handlers for an event, how to define this:
configuration - ModelGlue, Mach-II, JavaScript and Flex
flex is more implict than JavaScript or CF frameworks - combobox listens to events on the dataProvider by itself.
convention - event user.list maps to user CFC list() method

Scotch on the Rocks, day 2 (live)

Submitted by Falken on

Borre Wessel, Modularizing Flex, Cairngorm & Modules
adds complexity - do you have a good reason i.e. large, slow to start applicataion, is code easy to share cross project (i.e. a well written component)
main application (in applicationDomain hierarchy) needs to have ref to any class shared across module
rsl (non-framework) actualy make your app bigger, but are stored in the browser cache, so if your next app needs same one that will be faster to start


Scotch on the Rocks, day 1 (live)

Submitted by Falken on
Key note
Cf8 and beyond
Cf8 'doing very well' no more 8.releases
Cf open proc. Initive, open bugs, hurrah. More open to community, share control of new features etc. Built in frameworks, etc.
Claude englebert is emea cf adobe contact, one at last.
'cool' air/flex intergration, number 1 item is improved developer experince. Ide straw poll, eclipse massive win.
CF isnt just web apps anymore, your code hooks to Flex, AIR, PDF etc now.
Lcds bundeled with cf8, much easier then cf7 horror.