Serious bug in released version of Flex 2.0.1 SDK

Submitted by Falken on

My datagrid has a few columns that have visible="false" but they are
still showing up.
Recompiling the same app with the 2.0 SDK makes them hide as expected.

I've logged it everywhere that sprang to mind - the flexcoders mailing list, Adobe's wish list, and the beta site which still appears to be running even though the beta period is over and the software 'out there'.

If the beta hadn't run over Xmas, I'd have spotted this before now, bugger. As it is I'm going back to the old version untill it's fixed :-(


Submitted by Falken on Tue, 01/09/2007 - 20:06


Update much later after talking to peple All is well in the SDK. Others are reporting the problem however, but it has a nasty habit of going away all by itself just as you think you've written a test case...

Submitted by miguel (not verified) on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 17:13


Just wrote my first flex app, so I'm a newbee at this and may very well be doing something wrong... but I get the same problem in 2.0.1. Starting with the Jeremy Rottman CF/Flex tutorial (, I find ALL columns in my datagrid are visible regardless of the MXML, which is: <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="First Name:" dataField="FLD_USERFIRSTNAME"/> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Last Name:" dataField="FLD_USERLASTNAME"/> <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Email:" dataField="FLD_USEREMAIL"/> <mx:DataGridColumn visible="false" dataField="FLD_USERLOGIN"/> <mx:DataGridColumn visible="false" dataField="FLD_USERPASS"/> <mx:DataGridColumn visible="false" dataField="FLD_USERURL"/> <mx:DataGridColumn visible="false" dataField="FLD_USERSEX"/> <mx:DataGridColumn visible="false" dataField="FLD_USERID"/> I find that if I add the visible="true" attribute to the 3 columns I wanted to display, it does work; correctly hiding the other columns... that is, until the datagrid gets populated in the actionscript (userDG.dataProvider = result;). At that point, all columns become visible again. I'm evaluating migrating a very large CF application to Flex w/CF, and like I said, I may be doing something wrong, but I don't know... stuff like this doesn't exactly give me a "warm fuzzy". -Michael