#!/usr/bin/perl -w #See http://rachaelandtom.info/merge-amarok-collections for details/updates use DBI; use strict; my %idToStats=(); my %urlsToId=(); #get all track from import.sql open(INFO, $ARGV[0]) or die "$ARGV[0]: $! "; # Open the file given in argument my @lines = ; close(INFO); foreach (@lines){ my $line=$_; if ($line=~/INSERT INTO `statistics`/){ $line=~/VALUES \([0-9]+,([0-9]+),[0-9]+,[0-9]+,([.0-9]+),([0-9]+)/; my $id=$1; my $stats="$2:$3"; #score colon rating #print "$line $id is $stats\n"; $idToStats{$id}=$stats; } if ($line=~/INSERT INTO `urls`/){ $line=~/VALUES \(([0-9]+),[-0-9]+,'(.*)',[0-9]+/; #print $line; my $id=$1; my $rpath=$2; $rpath=~s/\\'/'/g;#unescape the quotes #print "\n$id is $rpath\n"; $urlsToId{$rpath}=$id; } } my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=amarok;host=", '', '', { RaiseError => 1 }) or die "Can't connect to Amarok database: $!"; my $findSth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM urls WHERE rpath=?"); my $findUpdateSth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM statistics WHERE url = (select id from urls where rpath=?)"); my $updateSth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE statistics SET score=?, rating=? WHERE url = (select id from urls where rpath=?)"); my $findIdSth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id,rpath FROM urls WHERE rpath=?"); my $insertSth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT into statistics SET url=?, createdate=?, accessdate=?, score=?,rating=?, playcount=0,deleted=0"); my $toImport=0; my $found=0; my $updated=0; my $inserted=0; my $failed=0; #for each tracks for my $rpath ( keys %urlsToId ) { $toImport++; #if find filename in local DB (by url) $findSth->execute( $rpath ); my @row = $findSth->fetchrow_array; my $stats=$idToStats{ $urlsToId{$rpath} }; #print "$rpath "; #print "urls to id ". $urlsToId{$rpath}; #print "all ".$idToStats{ $urlsToId{$rpath} }."\n"; if ($row[0] > 0 && $stats ){#just because we have a track to import, might not have been played on source we import from, so no stats my ($s,$r)=split /:/ , $stats ; $found++; $findUpdateSth->execute( $rpath ); @row = $findUpdateSth->fetchrow_array; if ($row[0] > 0){ $updated++; $updateSth->execute( $s,$r,$rpath); }else{ $inserted++; $findIdSth->execute( $rpath ); @row=$findIdSth->fetchrow_array; $insertSth->execute( $row[0],time,time,$s,$r ); } }elsif ($stats){ my ($s,$r)=split /:/ , $stats ; $failed++; print "Failed to find $rpath in local Amarok unable to set "; print "score $s rating $r.\n"; }else{ $failed++; print "$rpath never played in remote Amarok; no score or rating found.\n"; } } print "Attempted to import $toImport. Found $found, updated $updated and inserted $inserted. $failed failed.\n";