Why the government can't be trusted with the National ID Card Database

Submitted by Falken on

As if things weren't bad enough (with the recent cost increase) with Labour's (no other party supports the scheme) ID card/database plan, they've just announced they lost bank, NI, address etc. details for every family in the country. All 25 million of them.

And they still don't get it.
The minister at fault told the Commons

"the missing data in itself was not enough for people to access people's bank accounts"

Clearly this man is an idiot, because it's easily enough to get a duplicate birth certificate, and the BBC showed last year you can use that to get an address and utility bills in a strangers name. And the lost CDs contain far, far more information than they had then.

At least the Conservatives are on the ball though, asking if "it was a 'final blow' to the ID card scheme, saying the government 'simply cannot be rusted with people's information'. "
Unfortunately the rather garbled response was "the key thing was that the [ID card] information was protected by biometric information", which is, of course, bollocks, because no such protection exists in the myriad of different databases that will make up the Card database.


Only slightly more worrying is

[Darling] immediately asked for a thorough search by trained Customs officials, who are experienced in that type of search

This happens enough that they have special experts for it ?!?

Which reminds me - have you joined your local No2ID group yet before things get worse ?

PS Don't mention the list of previous cock ups.