Using the Flex 3 Data Visualisation components with the Flex 3 SDK

Submitted by Falken on

For reasons best known to themselves, Adobe do not ship the trial Data Visualisation components with the SDK download, so you have to extract them from the Windows download yourself.
Update Aug. '09:The DV components are now available on their own, with full source and no need for a Builder licence to remove watermarks.
If you need older versions though, you'll still need the below instructions.

First, install the Flex 3 SDK:


How to make your Eclipse plugin list survive an Eclipse upgrade

Submitted by Falken on

If you are playing around with the Linux version of Flex Builder, CFEclipse, or generally mucking about with your Eclipse, or need to upgrade to a new Eclipse version, you've no doubt been annoyed at the way this removes all your carefully installed plug-ins.
Fortunately there is a way to keep them across Eclipse re-installs.

All you need to do is create a few magic directories and one file:

Does your Command call your View (tsk !) ?

Submitted by Falken on

Imagine a DataGrid. A DataGrid that is displaying Model.searchResults, but needs to start an effect and reset selectedIndex when the data changes

One approach maybe to follow a pattern than involves having the Command call a method on the View, and this view method takes charge of doing whatever else is needed.
This makes Commands more complicated and means Events have to have an extra 'view' property which is kept in the Command as a private variable.
The View then has to expose a public 'onCommandNameResult' method which the Command calls in onResult().

Having read[1] I think there is a better way to have the View respond to change in the Model (i.e. Command results) without needing this callback.


Adobe is holding a ColdFusion IDE survey

Submitted by Falken on

Looks like this is your chance to give a bit of direction to Adobe on what you'd like from a ColdFusion coders IDE - take the survey here.

For the record, I plumed for 'free' as 'how much should it cost', but added a note that if the server was free, there was probably a market for an IDE with all the features CFEclipse doesn't have (yet). Competing with free is hard work though, and I'd much rather Adobe just paid people to improve CFEclipse.

Flash-based online BBC catch-up launches

Submitted by Falken on

I mentioned before ([node:1490]) this was coming but it's online now over at And it all seems, as expected, to work very well.
If our V+ PVR ever fails to record something, at least we have a backup.

Oh, you have to (appear to be) in the UK for it to work, on the assumption everyone in the UK has paid the licence fee and no one in the rest of the world has.


Using RSL cache in Flex Builder

Submitted by Falken on

One of the reasons I love Builder (apart from CTRL-O and CTRL-SHIFT-R) is that I've actually managed to make the new RSL cache feature of Flash Player work, when previously I'd failed totally to do it using the free command line SDK compiler.

Taking the instructions from Adobe's RSL cache wiki entry, it was a simple matter to go through and set the Framework, RPC and DataVisualization libraries to be RSL .swz and .swf files.
