Bizarre Gallery plugin update error

Submitted by Falken on

If during the upgrade of the Gallery2 module for Drupal you see an error like this:

all_user_func_array() []: 
First argument is expected to be a valid callback,
'gallery_admin_settings' was given in /home/drupal/includes/


(and probably an empty or broken Gallery2 module admin. area) then all you need to is go to the theme admin. area and change a setting.
Any setting (I used the 'logo' toggle).
Save it, then change it back and save again.



Another reason why the government can't be trusted with the National ID Card Database

Submitted by Falken on

The (predictable) response from the government whenever anyone over the last 2 days has tried to tie the [node:1494, title="latest cock-up at HMRC"] to potential problems with the ID Card database, Darling says it'll be fine because they're 'biometric'. This is the same flawed mantra Bliar kept using, and it's bollocks- unless he's seriously suggesting that every time we buy a can of beans or talk to our banks, we have to present an ID Card, thus letting the government know exactly where we are and what we're up to.

Why the government can't be trusted with the National ID Card Database

Submitted by Falken on

As if things weren't bad enough (with the recent cost increase) with Labour's (no other party supports the scheme) ID card/database plan, they've just announced they lost bank, NI, address etc. details for every family in the country. All 25 million of them.

And they still don't get it.
The minister at fault told the Commons

Adobe saves the BBC's iPlayer

Submitted by Falken on

The only reasonable way for the BBC to do it's job and offer it's iPlayer catch-up TV service (last 7 days TV on demand) across more than just one brand of Windows was using Flash.

People said that when the thing first came out.

And look... it has come to pass :-)

Projects like Adobe's Media Player and adding H.264 (high quality with low bandwidth use) support in Player are starting to make real sense now...
